
Rank 29.5 % 1080
40000.78783 BOA 40000.0 BOA
Status Active
Effectiveness 100% - Perfect
233(100% )
16130(100% )
Agora-Mainnet Statistics
Active Validators 1136
Pending Validators 0/0
Staked BOA 45,418,165 BOA
Average Balance 33,745.11 BOA
Epoch Slot Status Time Root Hash Att. Dep. Sl. Pro/Att Ex. Graffiti
Epoch Slot Status Time Committee Incl. Slot Opt.Incl.Dist.

Execution Chain Deposits

This table displays the deposits made to the Agora-el deposit contract.
From Address Tx Hash Block Time Amount Valid
0xBF6880… 0x88a19d… 5636446 40000 BOA true

Consensus Chain Deposits

This table displays the deposits received and processed by the consensus chain.
Epoch Slot Time Amount Withdrawal Credentials Signature
140,240 4,487,682 40000 BOA 0x010000… 0x893c69…
Epoch Slot Time Recipient Address Amount
Validator History
Epoch Balance Change Att. & Prop.