
Rank 17.4 % 638
75001.46857 BOA 40000.0 BOA
Status Active
Effectiveness 100% - Perfect
2123(100% )
155644(100% )
Agora-Mainnet Statistics
Active Validators 2160
Pending Validators 0/0
Staked BOA 86,381,081 BOA
Average Balance 33,717.04 BOA
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2Daily Income [BOA]Daily IncomeDaily Income1. NovEpoch1484133. NovEpoch1488635. NovEpoch1493137. NovEpoch1497639. NovEpoch15021311. NovEpoch15066313. NovEpoch15111315. NovEpoch15156317. NovEpoch15201319. NovEpoch15246321. NovEpoch15291323. NovEpoch15336325. NovEpoch15381327. NovEpoch15426329. NovEpoch1547131. DecEpoch155163May '23Sep '23Jan '24May '24Sep '
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2# of Possible ProposalsProposal HistoryProposedMissedOrphanedMar '23May '23Jul '23Sep '23Nov '23Jan '24Mar '24May '24Jul '24Sep '24Nov '24May '23Sep '23Jan '24May '24Sep '
Epoch Slot Status Time Committee Incl. Slot Opt.Incl.Dist.

Execution Chain Deposits

This table displays the deposits made to the Agora-el deposit contract.
From Address Tx Hash Block Time Amount Valid
0x673E98… 0xf9c1bc… 1167564 1 yr. ago 40000 BOA true

Consensus Chain Deposits

This table displays the deposits received and processed by the consensus chain.
Epoch Slot Time Amount Withdrawal Credentials Signature
0 0 1 yr. ago 40000 BOA 0x004440… 0xa81ecc…
Validator History